Watch this instructional pilates video to do the grab and snatch exercise. The pilates grab and snatch is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. It's important to pull your navel in toward you spine, round your back and breathe properly.
Watch this instructional pilates video to do the full teaser exercise. The full teaser is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. It's important to pull your navel in toward you spine, round your back and breathe properly.
Workout your entire body with pilates and some tips from the experts. Watch this fitness how-to video as SELF magazine offers pilates exercises to sculpt your body. Do pilates booty lifts, ball rolls, hip circles, side-ups, frog legs and teasers to get the pilates body.
Non-traditional Pilates strengthens the core by using body weight and avoiding use of the floor, weights or beds. Learn alternative Pilates exercises in this free workout video series from a fitness trainer.
Using a theraband for Pilates exercises is a great way to increase the intensity of your workout. Learn several ways to stretch out the muscles of your body using a theraband from a professional Pilates instructor in this free video series.
Pilates is a great exercise system for stretching out the body and warming up the muscles. Learn several Pilates extension exercises from a professional Pilates instructor in this free video series.
Maximize your Pilates exercise routine with stability balls. Learn how to incorporate the stability ball in Pilates with this free fitness video from a certified Pilates instructor.
Incorporating resistance bands in a Pilates workout can increase flexibility and build strength. Learn how to do leg stretch band exercises in this free video series from a Pilates instructor.
The hamstring pull one Pilates exercise is a great advanced workout for anyone wanting to get into Pilates. Learn about this exercise in this free video clip on advanced Pilates.
Pilates exercises allow sexy variations that turn normal Pilates into a naughty workout routine. Learn naughty Pilates from an instructor in this free Pilates arm workout video.
Pilates is a great way to exercise core muscles, glutes and obliques. Learn to do Pilates exercises on all fours with tips from a fitness instructor in this free exercise video series.
Pilates is a great exercise program that strengthens the abdominal and leg muscles. Learn a few intermediate Pilates exercises from a professional Pilates instructor in this free fitness video series.
The use of adaptive Pilates helps people with injuries of disabilities to work out for strength, flexibility and functional movements. Exercise the body in adaptive Pilates with tips from a fitness trainer in this free functional exercise video series.
Pilates exercises are designed to work out the abdominal muscles and strengthen the body's core. Build strength and get ripped abs by learning to do Pilates exercises with tips from a fitness instructor in this free exercise video series.
Neck Pull #1 is an easier version of the original Pilates exercise Neck Pull which helps build strength and increase spinal flexibility. By focusing on keeping the abdominal muscles pulled in flat throughout the exercise, the lower back is always protected and the abdominal muscles are being strengthened in their flattest position. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be toning your body with pilates in no time.
The one leg circle is an original pilates exercise that challenges stability of the pelvis in neutral to strengthen the core and flatten the abdominal muscles. Pay attention to the modifications we mention so that you can choose to bend one or both knees as necessary to make sure you get the most out of this exercise. Though hamstring flexibility is important, it isn't the goal here. Watch this how to video and you will be toning your body with the one leg circle pilates exercise in no time.
The Superman is a variation on original pilates exercises that strengthens the muscles of the upper back and improves posture. Be sure to keep the shoulders down, especially when the arms reach forward, in order to keep tension out of the neck and shoulders. The Superman strengthens the core, flattens the abdominal muscles and improves body awareness. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.
Short Plank is derived from original pilates exercises in order to teach proper abdominal and torso support in the push up position. The exercise in this how to video will strengthen your core, strengthen your shoulder girdle stabilizers and target the deep muscles of the abdomen and spine to protect your lower back. Watch this fitness tutorial and you will be toning your body with the Short Plank pilates move.
The Hip Twist is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the abdominals and the core. By focusing on a modest range of motion to start and the correct use of the abdominal muscles, your abs will get stronger and flatter and you will protect your lower back. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be toning your body with the hip twist pilates move.
The Double Leg Kick is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the muscles of the back and increases flexibility of the spine. As this exercise involves a lot of spinal extension, it is important to keep your abdominal muscles engaged and progress through this exercise according to your own ability. Your posture will improve and you'll walk taller with the exercise in this pilates how to video. Watch this fitness tutorial and you will be toning your body with pilates in no time.
The Teaser is a very challenging original pilates exercise that involves abdominal strength, core strength, balance and coordination. To make learning the Teasers easier, this Teaser starts with the legs in the air, roll up to Teaser position using abdominal strength, balance at the top and roll down with control. The Teaser strengthens your core, flattens your abs and make you feel really great when you get it. Watch this fitness how to video and you'll be toning your body with pilates in no...
Swimming is an original Pilates exercise that strengthens the muscles of the back and strengthens the core. By focusing on pulling in the abdominals (even though you're lying on them!) you'll not only flatten the abs but also protect the lower back. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be toning your body with pilates in no time.
The Half Curl is a variation of a classical Pilates exercises that help teach how to use the abdominal muscles properly when curling off the mat from a reclined position. The effect is flatter abdominal muscles, a stronger core and a lower back that will always be protected by your strong abdominal muscles. Watch this how to video and you will be toning your body with pilates in no time.
The Prone leg lifts are variations of the classical pilates exercise the Swan Dive. This exercise tones and strengthens the back of the legs (hamstrings and glutes) and improves hip extension, both necessary components of a good Swan Dive. Remember to keep your abdominal muscles pulled in to protect the lower back and keep tension out. Watch this fitness how to video and you'll be toning your body with pilates in no time.
The Develope is a variation of the original pilates exercises in the side-lying series. This exercise tones the muscles of the legs and increases flexibility while improving core strength as well. Focus on proper form and the fluidity of the movement instead of the height of the leg and you will find this exercise far more effective. Watch this fitness how to video and you'll be toning your body with pilates in no time.
All practioners of Pilates are familiar with the original Pilates exercise "the Teaser." These "mini-teasers" are precursors to the full teaser to teach you how to do it right. By learning proper form, you will learn to strengthen and tone your abdominals without straining your lower back. Please remember that everyone's back is different both in flexibility and structure, so Teasers may be easier or harder for you depending on your individual structure. Watch this fitness how to video and you...
The Heel Squeeze is derived from the principles of classical pilates exercises. This pilates tutorial teaches how to engage the gluteus maximus muscles without engaging the lower back muscles. We demonstrate this exercise both with and without a small ball, but the ball is definitely not necessary to reap all the benefits. Focus on keeping the pelvis flat on the mat, the abdominal muscles pulled in and flat and tension out of the neck and shoulders while your tone your derriere. Watch this how...
The Seal is an original pilates exercise that increases core strength and balance while delivering a fun exercise. The goal of clapping the feet like a seal claps its flippers is to stabilize the torso against the movement of the legs and increase the time your suspended on each side of the movement by just a second or two to develop ab strength and balance. The Seal exercise is probably our favorite exercise as it always makes clients smile. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be...
The Scissors is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles and increases hamstring flexibility. If your hamstrings are tight initially, decrease the range of motion so that you can keep your knee straight, otherwise your hamstring flexibility won't increase as quickly. The Scissors will deliver flatter abs and lean sculpted legs. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.
The shoulder bridge is an original pilates exercise that builds core strength and strengthens the hamstrings and glutes. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted throughout the exercise to support the lumbar spine. Watch this how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.
The double leg stretch is an original pilates exercise that strengthens your abdominal muscles and your core. Reaching your arms and legs away from your torso challenges your core strength. To increase the core challenge, don't let your head and shoulders drop as your arms and legs reach away and pull in your abs to keep them as flat as possible. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.
The side leg lift series is part of the classical Pilates repertoire and the circles strengthen the core, flatten the abdominal muscles and tone the inner and outer thighs. If you feel strain in your lower back, bring your legs slightly forward of your body, but for a real challenge, maintain a perfectly straight line and bring your top hand to your hip. Watch this fitness how to video and you'll be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.
The one leg kick is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the hamstrings and glutes. You'll tone the back of the legs and firm your butt while increasing your abdominal strength as you hold your abs off the floor. If you have tight quads, only bend your knee as far as is comfortable or feel free to pulse only once. Watch this how to video and you will be gaining core strength with pilates in no time.
The obliques exercise is a classical pilates exercise which targets the abdominal muscles to flatten the stomach and strengthen the core. Keeping the elbows wide helps keep the shoulders down and increases the rotation in the trunk, which helps shrink your waist. Be sure to stretch your legs fully each time and stop the knee at 90 degrees of hip flexion to encourage greater strengthening of the abdominal muscles. Watch this how to video and you will be strengthening your obliques with pilates...
Swan Dive Graceful Rocks is a variation on the original Pilates exercise "Swan Dive." It strengthens the gluteus muscles (so your butt will get firmer.) and increases flexibility of the spine. Keeping your abdominal muscles engaged throughout will increase core strength and protect the lower back. Watch this how to video and you can gain strength through pilates.
The single leg stretch is a classical Pilates exercise for strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles. For increased abdominal challenge, stop the knee at 90 degrees of hip flexion instead of hugging the knee into the chest. Actively stretch through the legs, flatten the abs and keep the shoulders down with each movement and this exercise will tone many muscles in the body. Watch this how to video and you'll be getting in shape with pilates in no time.
Pilates exercises involve strengthening the core and flattening the abs, so why are your instructors always talking about the pelvis? This how to video explains the importance of pelvic placement and how it relates to the lower back and the muscles around the hip joint. Just becoming aware of your pelvic placement as you drive your car, walk down the street or do any household activity can help you improve your alignment and strengthen the deep postural muscles of your body.
The Saw is a classical pilates exercise that increases the flexibility and strength of the core. Be careful not to turn this into a hamstring stretch. The goal of the exercise is to use the abdominal muscles to rotate the spine, then flex the spine over the leg scooping out the abdominals. If you have tight hip flexors or hamstrings, start sitting on a small cushion so you can begin the exercise in upright alignment. Watch this how to video and you'll be performing the Saw pilates exercise in...
In this pilates how-to video, Diane Preusch demonstrates a Pilates arm series. Diane tries to adopt exercises that use things from around the house to do these pilates exercises. This series of exercises is adopted from the reformer machine. You will need arm weights but if you don't have weights you can use cans of soup.
Pilates, core support and core stabilization are more than just a buzz words these days, they are a way of life. This pilates how-to video keeps you fresh on all things core - Pilates, abdominal routines and abdominal anatomy, pelvic floor strengthening and other posture and alignment topics. Watch to learn how to stabilize your core with a few pilates exercise tips.
In this pilates how-to video you are shown two exercises which strengthen and stretch your upper body. Learn to open your shoulders by doing the overhead and shoulder stretch on a regular basis. They can be done with a wooden pole or a thera-band. If you don't have either available you can use bathrobe belt or leash to do pilates shoulder stretches.
The pilates teaser exercise is tough. This pilates how-to video demonstrates some prep exercises to help you master this challenging exercise. Do the prep work for the teaser on a regular basis to work your way up to the full version of the teaser movement.
These three pilates glute exercises will help tone your butt and thighs. Get in shape to wear a bathing suit by doing any one or all three pilates moves. Watch this pilates how-to video to learn how to do this glute series.
Chest Lift is a basic ab exercise that focuses on the rectus abdominus, the long "6 pack abs" muscle that runs down the front of the abdomen. This pilates how-to video will show you the proper way to do pilates chest lifts. Keep doing these chest lifts to sculpt and tone your abdominals.
Proper breathing is a very important part of Pilates exercise. Many Pilates exercises are taught with specific instructions on how to use the breath with them. Often in our daily lives our breath becomes very shallow, most people only breathe into the upper part of the chest. Watch this pilates how to video to learn proper breathing techniques.
Straightforward ab work with modifications for beginners and experts are shown in this pilates how-to video. Practice doing single leg lifts and changes with this pilates core workout. These pilates single leg lifts are sure to help tone and strengthen your abdominals in now time.